pictures/4.png Kundalini Philosophy The Return of Health to the Body


Hello! My name is Tatiana and I'm a PE teacher and an instructor of Kundalini, Mudra yoga. I want to empower you to heal themselves with these amazing practices.

Each Kundalini yoga session offers a combination of postures/movements of the body,hands (mudras), as well as breathing exercises,meditation and mantras (work with the voice), huge opportunities for self-awareness the ability to approach the yogic goal: to be healthy,happy, true to yuoself and truly live.Each movement includes a specific type and tempo of performance that directly and specifically affects specific mechanisms (muscles, bones, joints, tendons, skin, etc.) of our body. Any imperfections and problems related to the body and mentality are cleansed and healed through this particular focus and speed of movements.

Join my practices everyone, who is interested and open in soul and heart for deep self-knowledge and healing. Thank you for visiting my site.

Visit the "Courses" section of my website. Here I will create interesting bodywork practices. I am sure that everyone will find here what is closer to his soul and body.

If you have any questions about the practices, please email me at the email address listed below or in the "Contact" menu.I will explain everything and demonstrate exercises if necessary.

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Subscribe to my channels and watch new useful, healthy and unusually easy practices in order to become a healthy, beautiful, successful and harmonious person and live in perfect harmony in this universe!

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